Passion Project
Role: Designer & Developer
Live Website here:
This project was a passion project to aid my family member Rachel Fulcher, LMSW, who wanted a dedicated website for her business, Resilient Rose, LLC. Resilient Rose is an equine-assisted psychotherapy (EAP) business whose current online presence is a Facebook page, which can be accessed via the username @ResilientRoseHealing and the URL .
The Resilient Rose website contains information related to the owner and staff, business contact information, available services and fees as well as information about EAP and resources.
This website would provide a space for potential and existing clients of Resilient Rose to review information regarding Resilient Rose and EAP. It would allow clients and potential clients to contact Resilient Rose and learn about the services they provide.
LMSW = Licensed Master Social Worker
EAP = Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy
TBRI = Trust Based Relational Intervention
TF-CBT = Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
EAGALA = Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association
MH = Mental Health Specialist
ES = Equine Specialist
A competitor analysis is a way of comparing what already exists out in the world with the type of product you are trying to build. For the resilient rose website, I focused on comparing the different EAP business websites that I have encountered, specifically the ones that had people who provided the same services that Resilient Rose does. Seeing what is out there and the "competition" helped me build a better site that helps Rachel's business stand out compared to those I was researching.
Click Here to View the Competitor AnalysisWith Reslient Rose being an Equine Assisted Psychotherapy business, something Rachel, the owner, and I discussed very seriously was the color palette for the website. We both agreed tht it would be in the business's best interest to use a calming color palette.
*Website Developed in Bootstrap, AngularJS, and Firebase