Passion Project

Role: Designer, Developer & #1 Fan

Live Website here:


This project is a passion project to aid my friends the Lee Sisters, Emi and Lise, with creating a marketing website for their Ukulele band.

The Lee Sister's Website is a simple marketing website that allows fans of the The Lee Sisters Music to find information about the artists. The website contains information related to personal info about The Lee Sisters, their current concert/appearance schedule, Lee Sisters Shop and contact info as well as where to find them on social networking sites.

The Lee Sisters
The Lee Sisters

The Goal

The goal of this project was to create a brand marketing website where they could promote their music and sell merchandise.


Need to Haves
  • A place to sell merchandise
  • A way to allow fans to contact the band
  • Promote the band's Youtube videos
  • Promote the band's social media accounts
Nice to Haves
  • A way to share their performance schedule
  • Display information about the band
  • A simple and intuitive website


Live Website

*Website Developed in Bootstrap, AngularJS, Firebase and PayPal